Bacimor Protocol

BACIMOR products yield the best results when the recommended full protocol of the 3 variants (AVV, WSQ, and FP) is followed

Before Stocking

2 days after filling the pond:

A. If transparency is above 50 cms, to develop algal bloom with the help of organic fertilizers: 1) mix 50 g of BACIMOR WSQ with 20 liters of disinfected water and let it stand for 8 hours in a clean container 2) prepare the fermentation medium by dissolving the following ingredients with 200 liters of clean/fresh disinfected water: Yeast 250 g, Groundnut/shrimp meal 20 kg, Raw Rice Bran 40 kg, Sugar or Molasses 10 kg, Urea 5 kg, Super Phosphate 1 kg, and Calcium carbonate 2 kg 3) mix both the BACIMOR WSQ medium and the fermentation medium together and aerate for two days; then apply over the pond. Repeat the above procedure if transparency is above 50 cms after 5 days.

B. If transparency is below 50 cm, there is no need for organic fertilizers. Mix 50 g of BACIMOR WSQ in 20 liters of pond water and apply, within 2 – 3 hours, all over the pond of one-hectare water spread area, irrespective of stocking density.

On the 7th day after filling (48 hours before stocking)

Mix 50 g of BACIMOR AVV in 20 liters of pond water and apply, within 2 – 3 hours, all over the pond of one-hectare water spread area, irrespective of stocking density.

After Stocking

On DOC 7, mix 50 g of BACIMOR WSQ in 20 liters of pond water and apply, within 2 – 3 hours, all over the pond of a one-hectare water spread area. Likewise, apply BACIMOR AVV and BACIMOR WSQ on alternate weeks till the end of culture.

From DOC 1 till harvest, mix 0.50 g of BACIMOR FP with 100 ml of water and let it stand for 2-3 hours. Mix the liquid with 1 kg of feed, wait for 15 minutes, and broadcast the feed into the pond. Minimum two meals per day, till the end of culture. There is no need for external binders.

Important: Please make sure all employees in contact with spore products wear dust masks.

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